Monday 21 February 2011

Opening Blog

Out of all the things in the world, the two most important things, concepts rather, to me are: Love and Freedom. I know that we're all different so the values that are important to me, would probably not be the same as yours [ and besides if we were all the same the world would be a really boring place right??? ] but i truly think that if more people would embrace these concepts, just maybe the world might be a better place. I think 'Though we are different, We are the same', i think spiritually, most of our souls are yearning for the same thing, LIBERATION [ hence, i created this blog] . So here hopefully, we can feel liberated together, even if it's just for a few moments. This is the first of many blogs. If you disagree with any of my ethics please feel free to comment and mention your ideas/ views [ i accept that not one of us has all the answers].

Love & Freedom
- Mandy

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