Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Crossing the Bridge

Society’s culture is  very strange. It seems as if the very fabric of the culture/ belief systems which we embrace as a collective is cryptically stitched in such a way that it seeks to make people feel as small as possible wherever it can, however it can. How unfortunate is that? How unfortunate is it that most of us have to struggle to operate beneath a sheet of not good enough while knee deep in fear and an unrelenting self doubt? And why has this been perpetuated hitherto?

About a week ago I made a very minor mistake in the public. The mistake however, had the potential to be destructive to another person’s liability. All in all my attempt at apologizing proved futile. And while I did understand the person’s frustration with my mistake, the reasons for their less than polite reaction towards me even after my offertory of apologies, eluded me.

The habit of defining a person by one single action must be done away with. I think with the clutter of emotions and harsh realities that surround us it’s easy to forget that yours is one story out of a vast and varied seven billion. It’s important to remember that though your story is both sacred and important, as is the rest of the seven billion. 

When one reflects on society's past it is clear that we have been conditioned to relegate another’s worth from a very young age. Most parents continuously and passionately relate to their children that they are special, that they are important, that they are indeed a genius. And while all these may be true, it is not the whole story. But the whole story is never explained, the weight of the of the seven billion stories is too often left out in the scheme of things with regards to how the family as an institution socializes the child. Hence too many a time generations have been birthed with a self-indulgence, an innocent blindness, to the other worlds that that are revolving before their eyes.

When that type of mentality or outlook has been breathed into you from birth by parents who have had the same thing done to them it is hard to deviate. But it is important to note that that breath exudes negative energy in its self affirmations and unrecognized selfishness and that is not a life. That is not a life well lived. A life that actively does work to belittle others is not a life. And while in a world full of social constructs and boundaries of which very little is often considered too far or too much with regards to proximity, social responsibility, honesty and heartfelt kindness, one must still try to rid oneself of ignorance and proceed accordingly.

Love & Light

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