Sunday, 13 May 2012

I don’t understand the big brawl over this Mother’s Day phenomenon.

I can’t understand the importance of a WHOLE day specifically for validating and affirming specific individuals. While human life, the existence of any individual along with their contributions ought to be cherished, the weight of your importance and glory should not depend on your attainable affirmations within a short 24 hour duration. If I ever were to have children I would forbid them from buying me gifts on Mother’s Day, Women’s Day, my birthday or any other day that sustains the wealth of the wealthy. This may sound drastic to you, but I’d teach my children that unconditional love should never be centralized to any specific day. I’d teach them to love everything and everyone with all the width of their heart and never to expect anything in return. I feel like on most days we love each other just enough to get by and then these days come along and we find ourselves scattered and scrambling trying to make up for all the times that we fell short. Who said that was okay again?

With a little thought we can subvert traditional ideas and practices… remember that

Love, LIGHT and Freedom

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